What a spring of skiing, racing, and traveling it has been! I started with the Birkie in Wisconsin, flew to Europe, and traveled (and ski raced my way) through Germany, Italy, France, Slovenia, and Austria. Unfortunately, the OPA Cup racing did not go as I had hoped, but I've had an incredible time nonetheless.
An Austrian cow, spotted on an adventure through the old city center of Salzburg.
Coming off some good ski "marathons" I was excited to tear it up in Europe, but things did not quite go my way. I had no way to anticipate how much a couple of long races, a lot of travel, and a little food poisoning would take out of me. And while I'm familiar with a lot of travel, I didn't really know much about my body relative to marathon distance ski racing. I know I can race fast, and I've done so in Europe. Unfortunately, this time around I wasn't in good racing form.

All I can say is that I really love traveling and skiing. I love Europe and miss it already. I've learned a ton, and I can't wait for more opportunities to ski race! So now I'm on to more racing (tomorrow I head up to northern Maine for the season finale). But first, a few of the highlights from Europe...
- Everywhere we traveled, we seemed to be in a blizzard. Ramsau, Austria, for example- it was a winter wonderland in mid-March...just the way I like it!
- I couldn't help but be in awe of the ski culture in Europe (I am every time). This beautiful little wax room, complete with boot dryers, was just outside the entrance to our hotel. Ski trails were everywhere. People skied to the grocery store...
- The "Sporthotel" where we stayed was 400 meters from Ramsau's World Championship XC Ski stadium.
Now onto a little non-ski related European fun...
- Castles were everywhere, as they tend to be in Europe. They never cease to amaze me, so on a day off, we took a little detour and visited the Hohensalzburg Castle (one of the largest medieval castles in Europe).
So once again my European travels have come to an end. I was honestly sad to leave the great snow and ski trails, the good racing, spectacular scenery, great food, and the camaraderie and fun! My travels were inspirational and make me want to train more and work harder so that I am able to continue this incredible life as a ski racer.
A roller coaster ride through the snow in Rogla, Slovenia.
The boys went five times each!
It was some serious FUN!
Thanks to everyone who has helped, supported, and encouraged me this season. Thanks to those of you who have housed me, sponsored or funded me, and cheered me on. I could not travel and race without you! Stay tuned for an update from northern Maine and the last races of the season...
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